Publications and Patents

Generation of Improved Clothing Models
James F O'Brien, David T Jackson, Edilson de Aguiar, James L Andrews, Carlo Camporesi, Scott M Frankel, Zoran Kacic-Alesic, David Macy, Nathan Mitchell, Tobias Pfaff, Daniel Ram, Armin Samii
US Patent 20200250892 A1 (pending)
[Google Patents]

Clothing Model Generation and Display System
James F O'Brien, David T Jackson, Carlo Camporesi, Daniel Ram, David Macy, Edilson de Aguiar, James L Andrews, Justin Lee, Karen M Stritzinger, Armin Samii, Nathan Mitchell, Tobias Pfaff, Scott M Frankel
US Patent 20190130649 A1 (pending)
[Google Patents]

Resampling Adaptive Cloth Simulations onto Fixed-Topology Meshes
George Brown, Armin Samii, James F. O'Brien, and Rahul Narain
ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation 2015 (poster)
[Project Page] [PDF]

Adaptive Anisotropic Remeshing for Cloth Simulation
Rahul Narain, Armin Samii, and James F. O'Brien
[Project Page] [PDF] [Slides] [Video]

Data-Driven Automatic Cropping for Semantic Composition Search
Armin Samii, Zhe Lin, and Radomir Měch
Computer Graphics Forum 2014
[PDF] [Supplemental Material] [Slides]

Distance Metric for Image Comparison
Armin Samii, Zhe Lin, and Radomir Měch
US Patent 20140169684 A1
[Google Patents]

Personal Projects

Ranked-Choice Voting Visualizer (2019 onward)
In a Ranked-Choice Voting election, if your top candidate doesn't win the election, your vote still counts: your vote is transferred to your next pick. RCVis visualizes what happens in each round of an RCV election. [Github] [Website]

UberCheats (2020)
Chrome Extension
I discovered that UberEATS systematically underpays its drivers. I built a Chrome Extension which allowed couriers to analyze their Uber statements and determine when they had been underpaid. [Github] [Chrome App Store] [Press: Business Insider] [Press: Salon]

Baby Trump (2020)
Twitter Bot
Our former president acted like a baby. This twitterbot translates his tweets into infantese to make them more intelligible. [Github] [Twitter] [Medium]

Red Friends, Blue Friends (2017)
Tool for grassroots organizers. Allows you to ask your Facebook friends to contact their senators and influence Senate votes. Facebook has disabled the search-by-state functionality which powered this tool initially, so the current iteration searches for friends in the top 50 cities in each state.
[Github] [Website]

Transcroobie (2016)
Automatic audio transcription for journalists using computer-generated text (via Google Speech API) and crowdsourcing corrections (via Amazon Mechanical Turk). In private alpha stages.

A Perceptually Based Model of Visual Adaptation (2014)
Master's Thesis
A perceptual model that accounts for the time-varying changes to perceived color and brightness that occur due to time-varying adaptation and the transition between cone- and rod-mediated vision.

Interactive Visualization for System Log Analysis (2014)
CS262-A: Computer Systems
A prototype visualization interface to assist system administrators in searching and understanding system logs.
[PDF] [Poster]

Artist Decision Modeling (2011)
UC Berkeley CS 294-69: Image Manipulation and Computational Photography
We model the decision process of an artist using, training a model from data contained in a photographer's Adobe Photoshop Lightroom catalog.
[Slides], [PDF]

Garden Path (2011)
Research Application
A GUI to create rapidly flickering gradients in order to find the point at which two orthogonal colors have the same perceived brightness, creating an illusion of a non-flickering strip (the "Garden Path"). It is used in Bruce Bridgeman's research on synesthesia, including a paper Metacontrast masking.
[Project Page]

Image Sorter (2010)
UC Santa Cruz CMPS 160: Intro to Computer Graphics
We analyze images and sort them based on an "importance" score. The goal is to automatically detect low-quality and repetitive photos, sorting photographs in a way that prioritizes both uniqueness and quality.
[UCSC Senior Thesis / Technical Report]

Vocabulary Quizzer (2010)
Flash Application (long live ActionScript)
Created to help me study for the GRE Verbal Exam.
Application Web Page